And now for a conversation between myself and my angry twin (which one is really me is up for debate):
Myself: Did that really happen?
Angry Twin: Yes, it f%$#*&g happened. Are you blind?
Myself: Yes.
Angry Twin: I thought so.
Myself: So, what does this mean?
Angry Twin: It means that Luis Castillo is a fat POS who never should have been signed nor brought back to play again this year. It means that he is the biggest loser in baseball and also that this Mets team (a team that cannot touch third base or catch routine pop ups with the game on the line) will never win anything because they are, fundamentally, a bunch of choke artist losers with no backbone.
Myself: It has been rough for this team, and that was indeed a ridonkulous play. But it's a little early in the season to be talking like that, no? I mean the Mets are 4 in the loss column behind the Phillies, with 103 games left to play. Are you really ready to throw in the towel?
Angry Twin: The Mets have suffered some excruciating losses over the past 2 or 3 years, but I think this takes the cake. And this was the kind of loss that may just linger and ruin the entire season. This could be the start of a spiraling out of control toward 10 games under .500.
Myself: I remember that being said at least 7 times last year.
Angry Twin: At least those losses involved, oh - I dunno - ACTUAL HITS BY THE OPPOSITION THAT WON THE GAMES! This, an error on a routine pop up by a loser on a team of losers, is by far in a class of its own. And it spells the end of a season. Mark my words.
Myself: But it's almost too surreal to even take seriously. I've been asking myself: would I have been more or less upset if A-Rod had hit a homerun? And I honestly don't know the answer. At least with this I can say: "You know what, the Mets won that game. K-Rod got the final out. Luis Castillo does not exist." The fact that he didn't catch that ball almost makes me laugh. I just can't take it seriously. And I've seen what this Mets team has done after crap like this. Usually, they win after crap like this. Oh, and we're still injured as all hell.
Angry Twin: Right, blame the injuries. You know Wright and Beltran are carrying the team right now. They are playing their asses off, and the problem is that through it all - the Mets are still losing. What happens when they inevitably go cold again? The Mets have been wasting solid performances from them since mid-2007. I mean, tonight - the story should have been: "Wright shows NY who the most clutch third baseman in town is." But, no. The Mets can't have it that way. They have to find a way to lose. And instead the story is that POS at second base who deserves to be fired from all of baseball.
Myself: Castillo has actually been valuable up until that awful play. He has been having a good year. Who else is going to play second right now?
Angry Twin: When Reyes comes back, Cora plays second. Castillo goes to St. Lucie.
Myself: Well, I don't have much of a problem with that. Yeah, people who defend Luis Castillo are stupid. I agree.
Angry Twin: People who defend Aaron Heilman are stupid too.
Myself: Hey, Heilman had great stuff. He just had a terrible head.
Angry Twin: Well, in any case... I'm telling you right now - this season is over. This loss is here to stay, and it perfectly symbolizes what the New York Mets are: a bunch of f^%$#@g choke artists with no heart, guts, balls, or anything else that a team needs to be able to win. They should all be ashamed of themselves and, for the good of the sport, should quit altogether.
Myself: Incorrect. This was one, ridiculous game, out of 162. They are 4 losses behind the Phillies, with 103 games left to play. The Mets will not fold. In fact, they will now turn in on, win the next two games from the Yankees, and then go on a run of like 9-3 or 10-2 over their next 12. It's hard, but Ya Gotta Believe.
Angry Twin: Well, I sure hope you are right.
Myself: Me too.
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